Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Leadership development at the Growth Edge

Leadership development at the Growth Edge As a coach, I regularly work with a coach myself for personal and professional development. We are currently working on a specific area of executive development for me. As we were talking about that specific area last week, I had the aha moment when I realized the past behaviors I utilized in this specific area are no longer serving me. I would argue that they didn’t really serve me to begin with. However, I have yet to define the behaviors that will replace it. That can be an overwhelming and scary feeling. When I mentioned this to my coach she said, “you are at the growth edge.” That phrase and image rang so clearly for me. It felt like I was at the edge and the only way down was scary. I couldn’t see the possibilities of navigating that edge. That visual reminded me of a vacation I took with my family years ago to Costa Rica. We went zip-lining in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. You literally zip-lined through clouds. When the person ahead of you started the zip line, they disappeared into the clouds. You didn’t know what was going to happen on the other side. You had to have faith (and strong safety guidelines) that what was on the other side of that cloud was worth it. It was. The view was amazing. The experience was amazing. So here I sit on my growth edge. Excited about what’s next in my leadership journey. Scared about how I am going to get there. My coach and I have tools we are working through to ease the fear, to learn, to observe, to learn some more and then to take action on new behaviors.

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